
download original
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use File::Find;

sub rejected {
    local ($_) = shift;
    my $accessible_file = shift;
    (! -f $accessible_file and ! -d $accessible_file) or
    (stat($accessible_file))[7] > 120000 or
    ### things we don't want to publish
    m!/CVS! or
    m!cvsignore$! or
    m!~$! or
    m!\/.gradle! or
    m!/tmp/! or
    m!/build/! or
    m!/core$! or
    m!\.metadata! or
    m!\.orig! or
    m!\.git! or
    m!\.gz$! or
    m!\.tgz$! or
    m!\.bz2$! or
    m!\.tbz2$! or
    m!\.exe$! or
    m!\.dll$! or
    m!\.dylib$! or
    m!\.so$! or
    m!\.jnilib$! or
    m!\.zip$! or
    m!\.jar$! or
    m!\.class$! or
    m!^./git/git-svn/! or
    m!^./isst! or
    m!^./isst! or
    m!^./java/test! or
    m!^./math/.*?\.png$! or
    m!^./population_development/derivation.png! or
    m!^./passwords.txt.asc! or
    m!^./elasticsearch/test/node*! or
    m!^./elasticsearch/test/singlenode/data/*! or
    m!scheme/test/dstruct.sc! or
    m!scheme/test/queens.sc! or
    m!^./javascript/dojo/test/dojo! or
    m!^./javascript/dojo/test/dijit! or
    m!^./opengl/ms_aa_blend_textfilt! or
    m!ruby/rails/actionpack! or
    m!ruby/rails/problems.txt! or
    m!aerzte!i or
    m!\#$! or
     # m!^./wwwpublish! or
    not (
         ### things we do want to publish (unless they match the things we don't want to publish)
         m!^.$! or
         m!^./$! or
         m!^./ajax/! or
         m!^./aspectj/! or
         m!^./avreceivers/! or
         m!^./backups/! or
         m!^./elasticsearch/! or
         m!^./ibatis/! or
         m!^./ruby! or
         m!^./perl! or
         m!^./grub! or
         m!^./Makefile! or
         m!^./java/nio! or
         m!^./java/.*?txt$! or
         m!^./java/build-tools! or
         # m!^./svn! or
         m!^./gnus/! or
         # m!^./mediamaerkte/.*?txt$! or
         m!^./wget! or
         m!^./linux/requested-modules.txt! or
         m!^./longhorn! or
         m!^./math/! or
         m!^./dotnet/! or
         m!^./debian! or
         m!^./git/.*?txt$! or
         m!^./apt/apt-build.txt! or
         m!^./emacs/! or
         m!^./gradle/! or
         m!^./mongodb/! or
         m!^./matlab_octave/! or
         m!^./bluetooth/bluetooth.txt! or
         m!^./bluetooth/rfcomm.txt! or
         m!^./internet! or
         m!^./javascript/closure-based-oop.txt$! or
         m!^./javascript/misc.txt$! or
         m!^./javascript/dojo! or
         m!^./javascript/drawing! or
         m!^./javascript/profiling/! or
         m!^./lisp/! or
         m!^./root! or
         m!^./internet$! or
         m!^./sane.txt! or
         m!^./springframework/.*?txt$! or
         m!^./springframework/.*?pdf$! or
         m!^./unfs/! or
         m!^./unix/! or
         m!^./cdwriting.txt! or
         m!^./grepre-examples.txt! or
         m!^./mbrsaverestore.txt! or
         m!^./printing-hierarchical-websites.txt! or
         m!^./physics! or
         m!^./swt/test/browser! or
         m!^./xgalaga/prizes/prizes.html$! or
         m!^./xgalaga/prizes/code.txt$! or
         m!^./xgalaga/prizes/Makefile$! or
         m!^./xgalaga/prizes/.*?xpm$! or
         m!^./xgalaga/prizes/.*?png$! or
         m!^./wwwpublish! or

my $root = {};

find(sub {
         return if rejected($File::Find::name,$_);
         my $currdir = $root;
         my $currpath = "";
         foreach my $d (split("/",$File::Find::dir)) {
             $currpath .= "${d}/";
             my $parent = $currdir;
             $currdir = ($currdir->{DIRS}->{$d} ||= {});
             $currdir->{PARENT} = $parent;
             $currdir->{NAME} = $d;
             $currdir->{PATH} = $currpath;
         if (-f) {
             push @{$currdir->{FILES}}, $_;

$root = $root->{DIRS}->{'.'};
$root->{PARENT} = undef;

# turn all DIRS into lists, sort all DIRS and FILES
sub sortdir {
    my $dir = shift;
    $dir->{DIRS} = [sort { $a->{NAME} cmp $b->{NAME} } (values %{$dir->{DIRS} || {}})];
    $dir->{FILES} = [sort @{$dir->{FILES} || []}];
    foreach my $d (@{$dir->{DIRS}}) {


unless (__FILE__ eq $0) {
    our $root = $root;

sub check {
    our $dir = shift;
    print STDERR "checking: $dir->{PATH}\n";
    foreach my $d (@{$dir->{DIRS}}) {

my $PUBHTMLDIR = $ARGV[0] or die "usage: wwwpublish <targetdir>";

#check $root;

use Publish;

publish $root, $PUBHTMLDIR;

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(C) 1998-2017 Olaf Klischat <olaf.klischat@gmail.com>