
download original
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use File::Find;
use IPC::System::Simple;

my $root = {NAME => ".", PATH => "./", PARENT => undef};
open(GITLS, "git ls-files |");
while(<GITLS>) {
    my @comps = split(m!/!);
    my @dirs = @comps[0 .. (@comps-2)];
    my $file = $comps[-1];
    my $currdir = $root;
    foreach my $d (@dirs) {
        my $parent = $currdir;
        $currdir = ($currdir->{DIRS}->{$d} ||= {});
        $currdir->{PATH} = $parent->{PATH} . $d . "/";
        $currdir->{PARENT} = $parent;
        $currdir->{NAME} = $d;
    push @{$currdir->{FILES}}, $file;

# turn all DIRS into lists, sort all DIRS and FILES
sub sortdir {
    my $dir = shift;
    $dir->{DIRS} = [sort { $a->{NAME} cmp $b->{NAME} } (values %{$dir->{DIRS} || {}})];
    $dir->{FILES} = [sort @{$dir->{FILES} || []}];
    foreach my $d (@{$dir->{DIRS}}) {


unless (__FILE__ eq $0) {
    our $root = $root;

sub check {
    our $dir = shift;
    print STDERR "checking: $dir->{PATH}\n";
    foreach my $d (@{$dir->{DIRS}}) {

use Publish;
use File::Temp qw/tempdir/;
use autodie qw(:all);  # needs libautodie-perl, libipc-system-simple-perl (on Debian at least)

my ($target_dir) = @ARGV;

if (defined $target_dir) {
    publish $root, $target_dir;

} else {
    # no target dir given => publish to gh-pages branch

    my $tmpdir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 );
    chomp(my $revision=`[ -d .git ] && git rev-parse HEAD || git merge-base HEAD pub-master`);

    # --no-checkout also deletes all files in the target's index
    system("[ -d .git ] || cd ..; git clone --branch gh-pages --no-checkout . $tmpdir");
    publish $root, $tmpdir;
    system("cd $tmpdir && git add . && git commit -m 'upgrade to $revision'");
    system("git fetch $tmpdir");
    system("git branch -f gh-pages FETCH_HEAD");

back to .

(C) 1998-2017 Olaf Klischat <olaf.klischat@gmail.com>