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Bluetooth + Linux implementation

physical layer:

- wireless connection technology, 2.4GHz (ISM band)

- several devices share a common radio channel, forming a "piconet"

- each device has a unique Bluetooth address (a sequence of 6 bytes,
  dubbed the "BD_ADDR"). The sequence is constant and unique per
  device (assigned by some registration authority). The bit sequence
  is subdivided into LAP (bits 0-23), UAP (24-31), and NAP
  (32-47). Some sequences are reserved for special purposes, e.g. for

- one of the devices in a piconet serves as the "master", the others
  are the "slaves"

- frequency hopping patterns to avoid interference with other senders

  - hopping over 79 channels, each ca. 1MHz wide

  - hopping sequence determined by master's address and clock

  - 1600 timeslots/sec

  - raw bitrate 914560/s (TODO: verify). Shared among all devices, and
    communication links, protocol headers etc.

  - max. effective bitrate 723200/s ("DH5", 2 devices, 5 timeslots per
    packet in the "fast" direction, 1 in the slow one)

- "physical links" only between master and a slave, "logical links"
  between any devices use "physical links" as their transport

- types of logical links: unicast, multicast, synchronous,
  asynchronous, isochronous (??)

- "link manager protocol (LMP)": control protocol for the physical
  layers (TODO: elaborate), transported over a dedicated asynchronous,
  connection-oriented logical link, the ACL. Each dev in the piconet
  automatically connects to that transport upon joining the piconet

- devices may create additional transports if desired

- L2CAP: higher-level protocol providing connection-oriented or -less
  communication over distinct "channels" (somewhat like TCP on the

- SDP (service discovery protocol): used for discovering he "services"
  provided by a given device.

- TODO: more...

- Linux implementation:

  - kernel: core, device drivers, HCI, L2CAP, RFCOMM

    - interfacing to userspace: Socket API (new socket types), ioctls
      for non-stream-orientied things

    - userspace wrapper libraries (bluez-libs)

  - userspace: SDP, OBEX, everything in higher layers


/* BD Address */
typedef struct {
      uint8_t b[6];
} __attribute__((packed)) bdaddr_t;

//so a bluetooth endpoint is a 6-byte number ("Bluetooth device address")

So bluetooth/bluetooth.h only defines some basic utility
functions. The hard work happens in the kernel.



//the functions here are mostly frontends to correspondings
//ioctls on socket created via socket(AF_BLUETOOTH, SOCK_RAW, BTPROTO_HCI)

//(name is misleading, should be "hci_find_dev")
//find first (w.r.t. ioctl HCIGETDEVLIST) connected device dev_id for which
//func(<socket created via socket(AF_BLUETOOTH,SOCK_RAW,BTPROTO_HCI)>,
//     dev_id, args)
//returns non-0. Returns that device's dev_id. Returns -1 if no such
//device was found.
//If func is NULL, return first connected device.
//QU: What is a dev_id? Has a corresponding bdaddr_t when connected
//    (ioctl HCIGETDEVINFO can find the bdaddr_t of a given dev_id)
int hci_for_each_dev(int flag, int (*func)(int s, int dev_id, long arg), long arg);

//return dev_id of first conn. device having an address other than *bdaddr
int hci_get_route(bdaddr_t *bdaddr);

//return dev_id of conn. device identified by str
//str may either be "hci<dev_id>" (dev_id = the integer number 2b
// returned) or a string representation of teh device's bdaddr
// (looks like "xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx", i.e. the six bytes comprising the
// bdaddr in hex representation)
int hci_devid(const char *str);

//gets complete hci_dev_info of device identified by dev_id
int hci_devinfo(int dev_id, /*out*/struct hci_dev_info *di);

struct hci_dev_info {
        uint16_t dev_id;
        char     name[8];

        bdaddr_t bdaddr;

        uint32_t flags;
        uint8_t  type;

        uint8_t  features[8];

        uint32_t pkt_type;
        uint32_t link_policy;
        uint32_t link_mode;

        uint16_t acl_mtu;
        uint16_t acl_pkts;
        uint16_t sco_mtu;
        uint16_t sco_pkts;

        struct   hci_dev_stats stat;

//gets bdaddr of device dev_id
int hci_devba(int dev_id, /*out*/bdaddr_t *ba)

// (Wrapper around ioctl: HCIINQUIRY)
//dev_id - "starting device" of the inquiry? If NULL, start with
//         first (HCIGETDEVLIST) found device.
//nrsp - max. number of result devices
//len - ?? ( => hci_inquiry_req.length)
//flags - ?? ( => hci_inquiry_req.flags)
//return: -1 on error, else:
//        number of result inquiry_info structures; *ii will be
//         malloc()ed and filled with these inquiry_info structures

int hci_inquiry(int dev_id, int len, int nrsp, const uint8_t *lap, inquiry_info 
                **ii, long flags);


// create L2CAP connection

struct sockaddr_l2 sa;
sa.l2_family = AF_BLUETOOTH;
sa.l2_psm = 0;
sa.l2_bdaddr = <source, i.e. our local address?>;
bind(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&sa, sizeof(sa));
sa.l2_psm = htobs(SDP_PSM);
sa.l2_bdaddr = <destination device's address>;
connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&sa, sizeof(sa));

SDP (Service Discovery Protocol)

- used to discover "services" provided by connected devices

- protocol on top of L2CAP

- devices provide "services", services have "attributes"

- specific services and attributes have unique identifiers (UUIDs?)
  registered with the Bluetooth SIG (special interest group)

- SDP capabilities:

  - discover services and attributes offered by a given device

  - discover all devices offering a given service

  - discover all devices offering services with given attributes

  - ...

  - services may be dynamically activated/deactivated on a device

  - but there's no event notification mechanism (so polling may be

- Linux implementation:

  - in userspace

                const bdaddr_t *src = ...; const bdaddr_t *dst = ...;

		struct sockaddr_l2 sa;

		sa.l2_family = AF_BLUETOOTH;
		sa.l2_psm = 0;
		if (bacmp(src, BDADDR_ANY) != 0) {
			sa.l2_bdaddr = *src;
			if (0 > bind(session->sock, (struct sockaddr *)&sa, sizeof(sa)))
				goto fail;
		sa.l2_psm = htobs(SDP_PSM);
		sa.l2_bdaddr = *dst;
		connect(session->sock, (struct sockaddr *)&sa, sizeof(sa)) == 0)

                ...then write/read SDP PDUs to/from the socket.

  - sdp.h/sdp.c (from bluez-libs) provides wrapper functions in userspace

//////sdp.h/sdp.c userspace library:

struct sdp_list_t {  //utility type: linked list of void*s
	sdp_list_t *next;
	void *data;

struct sdp_record_t {
	uint32_t handle;
            //Spec: A service record handle is a 32-bit number that uniquely
            //identifies each service record within an SDP server. It is
            //important to note that, in general, each handle is
            //unique only within each SDP server.

	sdp_list_t *pattern;  //purpose?
	sdp_list_t *attrlist;  //list of sdp_data_t, i.e. list of lists of SDP attributes

struct sdp_data_t {  //obviously a list of SDP attributes
	uint16_t attrId;
	SDP_BOOL|SDP_UINT8|SDP_UINT16|...|SDP_UUID_..|..|SDP_TEXT_STR8|SDP_TEXT_STR16|...|SDP_SEQ_..   dtd;  //type
             //SDP_TEXT_STR8 -- string length <256 chars; SDP_TEXT_STR16 -- string length <65536 chars
	int8_t int8 | int16_t int16 | .. | uuid_t uuid | char *str | sdp_data_t *dataseq     val;            //value
	sdp_data_t *next;
	int unitSize;         //?
//predefined attributes (attrId, dtd):
// ( * See SDP Spec, section "Service Attribute Definitions" for more details.)
// SDP_ATTR_PFILE_DESC_LIST, SDP_SEQ_? (list of (uint8_t uuid, uint16_t Vnum) => sdp_profile_desc_t. Use
//    int sdp_get_profile_descs(const sdp_record_t *rec, sdp_list_t **profDescSeq);
//    to extract. *profDescSeq will be returned as a list of sdp_profile_desc_t's.
// SDP_ATTR_VERSION_NUM_LIST, SDP_SEQ_? (list of uint16_t Vnum). Use
//    int sdp_get_server_ver(const sdp_record_t *rec, sdp_list_t **u16); to extract.
// SDP_ATTR_SERVICE_ID, SDP_UUID_?. Use int sdp_get_service_id(const sdp_record_t *rec, uuid_t *uuid) to extract
// SDP_ATTR_GROUP_ID, SDP_UUID_?. Use int sdp_get_group_id(const sdp_record_t *rec, uuid_t *uuid) to extract
// ...

//return first attribute (sdp_data_t) in rec->attrlist whose attrId equals attrId
sdp_data_t *sdp_data_get(const sdp_record_t *rec, uint16_t attrId);

//if first attribute (sdp_data_t) in rec->attrlist whose attrId equals attrId
//  is an int, return it in *value.
int sdp_get_int_attr(const sdp_record_t *rec, uint16_t attrid, int *value);

//same for string attributes (length must be < valuelen)
int sdp_get_string_attr(const sdp_record_t *rec, uint16_t attrid, char *value, int valuelen);

//allocate new attribute of type dtd and value *value
sdp_data_t *sdp_data_alloc(uint8_t dtd, const void *value)

////all functions dexcribed so far work "off-line", i.e. on sdp_record_t's present
//// in the local machine's memory

////"on-line" functions

sdp_session_t *sdp_connect(const bdaddr_t *src, const bdaddr_t *dst, uint32_t flags);
int sdp_close(sdp_session_t *session);

static inline int sdp_get_socket(const sdp_session_t *s);

 * a service search request. 
 *  INPUT :
 *    sdp_list_t *search_list
 *      list containing elements of the search
 *      pattern. Each entry in the list is a UUID
 *      of the service to be searched
 *    uint16_t max_rec_num
 *       An integer specifying the maximum number of
 *       entries that the client can handle in the response.
 *  OUTPUT :
 *    int return value
 *      0 
 *        The request completed successfully. This does not
 *        mean the requested services were found
 *      -1
 *        The request completed unsuccessfully
 *    sdp_list_t *rsp_list
 *      This variable is set on a successful return if there are
 *      non-zero service handles. It is a singly linked list of
 *      service records (sdp_record_t)
int sdp_service_search_req(sdp_session_t *session, const sdp_list_t *search_list, uint16_t max_rec_num, sdp_list_t **rsp_list);

/////BUGS in bluez-libs

setting dtd in sdp_data_t *sdp_data_alloc(uint8_t dtd, const void *value) (in sdp.c) has no effect.


data structures (userspace):

typedef struct {
        bdaddr_t        bdaddr;
        uint8_t         pscan_rep_mode;
        uint8_t         pscan_period_mode;
        uint8_t         pscan_mode;
        uint8_t         dev_class[3];
        uint16_t        clock_offset;
} __attribute__ ((packed)) inquiry_info;

struct hci_inquiry_req {
        uint16_t dev_id;
        uint16_t flags;
        uint8_t  lap[3];
        uint8_t  length;
        uint8_t  num_rsp;

data structures (kernel):

struct hci_inquiry_req {
	__u16 dev_id;
	__u16 flags;
	__u8  lap[3];
	__u8  length;
	__u8  num_rsp;

typedef struct {
	__u8 	lap[3];
	__u8 	length;
	__u8	num_rsp;
} __attribute__ ((packed)) inquiry_cp;

struct hci_dev {
	struct list_head list;
	spinlock_t	lock;
	atomic_t 	refcnt;

	char		name[8];
	unsigned long	flags;
	__u16		id;
	__u8	 	type;
	bdaddr_t	bdaddr;
	__u8		features[8];

	__u16		pkt_type;
	__u16		link_policy;
	__u16		link_mode;
	atomic_t 	cmd_cnt;
	unsigned int 	acl_cnt;
	unsigned int 	sco_cnt;

	unsigned int	acl_mtu;
	unsigned int 	sco_mtu;
	unsigned int	acl_pkts;
	unsigned int	sco_pkts;

	unsigned long   cmd_last_tx;
	unsigned long   acl_last_tx;
	unsigned long   sco_last_tx;
	struct tasklet_struct 	cmd_task;
	struct tasklet_struct	rx_task;
	struct tasklet_struct 	tx_task;

	struct sk_buff_head	rx_q;
	struct sk_buff_head 	raw_q;
	struct sk_buff_head 	cmd_q;

	struct sk_buff     	*sent_cmd;

	struct semaphore	req_lock;
	wait_queue_head_t	req_wait_q;
	__u32			req_status;
	__u32			req_result;

	struct inquiry_cache 	inq_cache;
	struct conn_hash 	conn_hash;

	struct hci_dev_stats 	stat;

	void			*driver_data;
	void			*core_data;

	atomic_t 		promisc;

	int (*open)(struct hci_dev *hdev);
	int (*close)(struct hci_dev *hdev);
	int (*flush)(struct hci_dev *hdev);
	int (*send)(struct sk_buff *skb);
	void (*destruct)(struct hci_dev *hdev);
	int (*ioctl)(struct hci_dev *hdev, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg);

back to bluetooth

(C) 1998-2017 Olaf Klischat <olaf.klischat@gmail.com>