class XML::Mapping::ArrayNode

Node factory function synopsis:

array_node :_attrname_, _per_arrelement_path_
                  [, :default_value=>_obj_]
                  [, :optional=>true]
                  [, :class=>_c_]
                  [, :marshaller=>_proc_]
                  [, :unmarshaller=>_proc_]
                  [, :mapping=>_m_]
                  [, :sub_mapping=>_sm_]


array_node :_attrname_, _base_path_, _per_arrelement_path_
                  [keyword args the same]

Node that maps a sequence of sub-nodes of the XML tree to an attribute containing an array of Ruby objects, with each array element mapping to a corresponding member of the sequence of sub-nodes.

If base_path is not supplied, it is assumed to be “”. base_path+"/"+per_arrelement_path is an XPath expression that must “yield” the sequence of XML nodes that is to be mapped to the array. The difference between base_path and per_arrelement_path becomes important when marshalling the array attribute back to XML. When that happens, base_path names the most specific common parent node of all the mapped sub-nodes, and per_arrelement_path names (relative to base_path) the part of the path that is duplicated for each array element. For example, with base_path=="foo/bar" and per_arrelement_path=="hi/ho", an array [x,y,z] will be written to an XML structure that looks like this:

    [marshalled object x]
    [marshalled object y]
    [marshalled object z]

Public Class Methods

new(*args) click to toggle source

Initializer. Called with keyword arguments and either 1 or 2 paths; the hindmost path argument passed is delegated to per_arrelement_path; the preceding path argument (if present, “” by default) is delegated to base_path.

Calls superclass method
# File lib/xml/mapping/standard_nodes.rb, line 270
def initialize(*args)
  path,path2,*args = super(*args)
  base_path,per_arrelement_path = if path2
  per_arrelement_path=per_arrelement_path[1..-1] if per_arrelement_path[0]==?/
  @base_path =
  @per_arrelement_path =
  @reader_path ="/"+per_arrelement_path)