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dojo.body()  //returns body node of current document

dojo.place(newNode, existingParentNode)

dojo.Deferred also supports explicit .addCallback(), .addErrorback()

// clone (deep copying) an object
var obj = { a:"b", c:"d" };
var thing = dojo.clone(obj);

// clone (deep copying) an array
var newarray = dojo.clone(["a","b","c"]);

// shallow copying:
object y = dojo.mixin({}, x);

	// summary:
	//		Mixin for widgets to set CSS classes on the widget DOM nodes depending on hover/mouse press/focus
	//		state changes, and also higher-level state changes such becoming disabled or selected.
	// description:
	//		By mixing this class into your widget, and setting the this.baseClass attribute, it will automatically
	//		maintain CSS classes on the widget root node (this.domNode) depending on hover,
	//		active, focus, etc. state.   Ex: with a baseClass of dijitButton, it will apply the classes
	//		dijitButtonHovered and dijitButtonActive, as the user moves the mouse over the widget and clicks it.
	//		It also sets CSS like dijitButtonDisabled based on widget semantic state.
	//		By setting the cssStateNodes attribute, a widget can also track events on subnodes (like buttons
	//		within the widget).

dojo.getObject / dojo.setObject: generalized getters/setters for
attributes specified as dot-separated strings

	dojo._loadUri = function(/*String*/uri, /*Function?*/cb){ //(called by dojo.require)
		var contents = d._getText(uri, true);
			if(!d.isIE){ contents += "\r\n//@ sourceURL=" + uri; } // debugging assist for Firebug

07:15 < multi_io> kgf, neekfenwick: http://user.cs.tu-berlin.de/~klischat/dijitattrtest.html
07:17 < multi_io> summary: I have mything="f4ab32c7-60a9" in the markup and mything:null in the widget => it 
                  apparently tries to eval(f4ab32c7-60a9), which gives the error ("unexpected token ILLEGAL" in Chrome)
07:19 < multi_io> if I change the declaration in the widget to mything:"x", it all works; the string "f4ab32c7-60a9" 
                  is assigned to mything.
07:20 < multi_io> apparently it determines the type of the value assigned in the definition in the widget and then 
                  tries to evaluate the markup value as that type
07:21 < neekfenwick> multi_io: i got half way through looking and suddenly have to go help wash the baby :(
07:21 < neekfenwick> brb
07:22 < multi_io> neekfenwick: np :-P
07:22 -!- boaz [~boaz@c-24-128-79-120.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: boaz]
07:22 < multi_io> I think I grok that logic, it kinda makes sense
07:25 < multi_io> looking through the dojo source code again, Isee that they do define string-valued attributes as 
                  name:"" in the widget source.

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(C) 1998-2017 Olaf Klischat <olaf.klischat@gmail.com>